No one is prepared for death, that's true. As much as they want to sweeten it, it is a hard fact to assume for oneself and also for relatives and close people. However, here we give you some tips to try to make things as good as possible and not complicate it for those who accompanied you in life, and more so in a time as difficult as that.

In addition to enjoying life as much as possible with your loved ones, here we tell you what 10 things you should think about doing before you die . Most important things first:


1. Treat death naturally

The time will come for all of us, so there is no point in living as if it were never going to happen. Facing death naturally and, above all, with time, allows you to organize how you want it to happen and will make things easier for your loved ones in the future.

2. Express your last wishes

It is important that you record about the treatments you want to receive at the end of your life. You should also state whether, when the time comes, you want to donate your organs. Remember that you can record this wish through the organ donor card .

3. Make a will

Write down how you want your assets to be distributed when you are gone. It is a very simple procedure (you can do it at any notary's office) and inexpensive and you will save your relatives a huge bureaucracy and higher costs.

4. Collect your wealth data

Create a physical or electronic folder with all your essential documentation: public deeds, contracts, checking accounts, insurance policies, pension plans, etc.

5. Report your insurance

If you have death, life or accident insurance, inform those close to you of its existence and coverage so that they can use it when the time comes. Think that in the case of funeral insurance, the insurer deals with transfer, funeral, burial, etc.

6. Save liquidity

Leave liquidity to meet the expenses that arise when you are absent. Remember that when you pass away your family will have to pay taxes.

7. Put your photos in a safe place

Explain to a trusted person where they are stored, physically or digitally. One of the things most valued by the family are photos and memories. Both yours and your ancestors or the town in which you were born. If the photos are in electronic format, store them in a secure storage system.

8. Decide on the end of your digital identity

Leave instructions on what to do with your social profiles and digital presence in general. Remember that many death insurance policies include a draft of your digital life after death.

9. Choose where to rest

Communicate where you want to rest. Many people want to rest together, but that is something they must anticipate in life. If you are cremated, remember: the ashes cannot be thrown anywhere.

10. Make sure

The wide range of insurance that has to do with death: life , accident , death , health insurance , is there to make things easier for you and, above all, to make them easier for your loved ones, and that in this way they can focus on what really matters to them and what hurts them. A variety of coverage seeks to guarantee you the best possible existence and, above all, that the absence that your loved ones will feel is not aggravated by problems that are easy to solve, just by insuring them.

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