Fire, and just speaking of insured assets, causes damages worth approximately 422 million euros each year. Almost three out of four of these fires occur in homes and the cost of repair is around 1,800 euros, about 1,200 in homes. These are some of the most surprising fire statistics that emerge from analyzing the fire cases that insurance deals with each year in USA and Spain.
The fire insurance is probably one of the first , if not the first, of the commonly employed by private insurance, now over 200 years ago in many cases. We are not fully aware now; But for 30 centuries, since man has lived more or less crowded in urban agglomerations, fire has been his worst enemy, because, of all that haunted him, it was the one that was most likely to leave him with nothing. .
Today, however, fire no longer inspires the same fear. The insurance figures themselves suggest that, in statistical terms, the same estate has a fire every hundred years . Today, in insurance terms, water actually does a lot more damage than fire .
But the fire is still there; and if you do not have to be afraid of him, of course you do have to respect him. Much less frequent than before and all, fire, and just speaking of insured property, causes damage to an approximate value of one and a half million euros each day of the year . Or, if you prefer to see it like this, every day of the year, which includes Sundays, holidays and your birthday; Each day of the year, then, the fire burns the total earnings of the entire year of 67 Spanish workers.
Where do the most fires occur?
Today, according to our data, 71% of the fires that insurers compensate through so-called multi-risk products have occurred in homes , which should not surprise you, because homes are the most common and, in addition, have to take into account that in other types of buildings and facilities (such as factories or public premises) there are usually elements to suppress fires that individuals do not usually have; and that, do not hesitate, helps. To this must be added another 13% that occur in the common areas of the homeowner communities , in addition to fires in shops, which are 10%, and those produced in industries, 5% .
If we analyze it from the territorial point of view, the statistics tell us that in the city of Madrid , logically the urban concentration where there are more fires, one occurs every 49 minutes , according to our estimates. In Bilbao one is registered every hour, and in Valencia and Barcelona, every hour and a half.
The cost of fires
An average fire in a home in Spain devours assets and capital worth 1,200 euros on average , a figure that is quite similar in the case of neighboring communities. However, when we talk about business, things are going up: in shops, the average fire goes to 2,400 euros, and in industries it is around 9,500 euros . This is logical, since the fire, here, is attacking buildings where there are usually equipment or stored goods that exceed in value the things that are usually in a house or even in a shop.
Fire prevention
What to do in front of the fire? As we have already said before, our condition as citizens of the 21st century allows us to approach the subject calmly, not with disinterest. Fire is no longer so relevant, nor is it so present, as in the lives of our great-great-grandparents; but that doesn't mean we can get past him just like that. Fire, to the extent of each one, must be prevented, both with measures such as fire extinguishers and through the least common of the senses, which is common sense. The best way to prevent and not inflate fire statistics is to not play the game. And, of course, have good insurance. Because fatality exists and no matter how forewarned we are, then mishaps come, better to have that instrument that lets you know that, if your heritage burns, at least its value will not.